“Xolotl-Lucifer is of course, not an element foreign to our psyche.
On the contrary, he is truly the shadow of our divine Being, in our own particular, innermost depths…
Xolotl-Lucifer-Prometheus is the psychological trainer in the gymnasium of practical life.”
· A study of the Aztec culture and its mythology in the light of Gnostic science
· The history of Aztlan-Atlantis
· The Gnostic perspective on anthropology, the nature and spiritual potential of the human being
· The symbolism of St Andrew’s Cross and the elimination of the ego
· The esoteric meaning of the Serpent and its dual nature
· The story of Faust and the states of Jinas
· The esoteric practices for dream yoga
1st edition 2023
202 pages; 210 X 149mm
Soft cover, illustrated